Affy Sweep and such
Thursday, 29 May 2014
Hi everyone! How have been you been lately? Its ALMOST summer break, I cannot wait until June comes and be over! I seriously want more free time, school is sooooo much work. I have like 3 projects due this week (I am mostly done though). I made a new layout, its really pink and has lots of cherry blossoms on it. I really like it. I used a punk rose template for once since I been using them forever and the very old blogger template code was not as fun as this one so I changed it to something else. It took me a long time, I had to look up the blogger codes and stuff to get this layout to work.
Affiliate Sweep was done! I deleted some broken links and affies that were no longer around. ^_^ I have some room now so I am looking for new affiliates. =)
On a other note, my friend showed me this new Korean song by IU and I am in love! Its so sweet. ♥ I am going to share it here.
Thats all for now, maybe I will make other template for the new update. Bye!
Guilty Ariana graphic update :) plus new lay!
Thursday, 22 May 2014
I was sitting at home today after class and I was gonna just watch TV but felt I should update my site since its been a while. I manage to make 6 icons and 4 signatures in 1 sitting, woot! They all feature Ariana Grande whose new song Problem is stuck in my head. Pretty excited to see the music video. I think her new edgy image suits her very well. I remember watching a couple episodes of Victorious and her character Cat was super cute, I think she got over Nickelodeon though, I mean, she is 20 now so I think she is moving away from a bubbly teen image and is trying to look more mature.

I also made a new layout while at it, this new layout is a violet and mute green combo for summer. I love love this color combo, composites always pop!
Labels: graphics
School Trips and Stuff
Hi everyone, I know I haven't posted in all. I was gonna post some icons and stuff but I haven't really worked on anything internet related in the past couple of weeks at all. My biology class did a really cool school trip, we went to a local pond and picked up garbage and cleaned it up. We went back this week and we saw a bunch of Geese settling in, it was really lovely. My art class also had a bunch of trips to art galleries and we to a university art show, there was so really beautiful works there. My mom gave me $20 for the art show and I bought a pretty print someone made. I think people should really support their local artist then purchase some trendy artist. Its really cool being able to talk to an artist and have them explain their artwork to you. Next week I am doing a neighborhood walk with my social studies class, which is kind of cool. We are going to document the various people, businesses and etc in our school neighborhood. Sorry for my affies for not visiting as often ! Promise to a round trip soon.
I also have a new affiliate, Fai from No Bananas Please, I actually lost my bunny template so I have to edit an old one. Promise to you add you soon. D:
Anyways, toodles for now. ^^
Labels: blog