Friday, 28 February 2014
ITS FRIDAY! My friends and I went to the mall after school, we all got smoothies and eat A&W for dinner. I bought a new journal from Chapters, it was kind of expensive because it was like 6 dollars and journals are normally a 1 or 2 bucks at the dollar store but I really liked it. I am looking forward to relaxing this weekend, next week I have tests so I will need to study. Today I updated my blueberry layout from before. I used the template from punk rose and now it looks so much better.
Click here to Download (HTML)
Click here to Download (Blogger)
That is all I did for graphics today. I am going to work on a Pug template next, maybe some other graphics featuring celebrities. :)
I changed the music from Miley Cyrus's Somebody else to a cover version of the Counting Stars by Alex Goot/Against The Current/Kurt Schnieder.Labels: graphics, templates
March is just around the corner!
Thursday, 27 February 2014
Wow I can't believe March is just around the corner, 2014 is going by so much faster than I had thought it would go! It felt it like Jan 1st was just yesterday. So this week I was kind of down for a couple of days because my math teacher pulled me to the side and told me I did very poorly on my midterm test and I didn't pass!
I was kind of shocked because I knew I did bad but I thought I had passed the test. She says I need to spend more time working on math. I don't like math very much so I don't spend a lot of time practicing. I have to pass Math because next year I want to still be regular math in high school since I need it to get into college. My parents were kind of disappointing I am doing so poorly in math too and my teacher has set up an appointment for them to meet with her to go over what I need to improve on. It was just all so stressful for me. 
I am not bad every subject or don't try, I just don't like anything with numbers. I am doing really good in english, social studies and even p.e.
Anyways, I was tagged by Marisa to do the Liebster Awards again so here we go:
1.Do you work or go to school?
I go to school, grade 9.
2.Do you drink or smoke?
No and I will not try either.
3.Do you have kids or want kids?
I don't have kids but I think many years from now when I have a job and a house I want to have a small family.
4.Where have you traveled?
US, Mexico and France.
5.Do you believe in same sex marriage?
Yes. I don't have much of a opinion on gays. But, I feel like if your not going to flip out over your neighbors having a different house than you then why you flipping out over who their married to? Doesn't have anything to do with you.

6.Do you believe in a god?
Yes, my family is semi-religious and we have a prayer before meals but we are not very uptight. We seldom attend church and keep religion in our house. My dad has a policy that religion is between you and God, not you, god, the government, your great-grandma Lucy and your neighbor Betty 5 houses down. lol
7.What's the most exciting thing you've ever done?
I went diving once when I was on the west coast.
8.What inspired you to become a blogger/designer?
I like playing around with photos. I also like writing, its one of my hobbies.
9.If you could change one thing in your life what would it be and why?
I would change my birthday to the spring or summer, I was born in the dead of winter, nothing to do on my birthday.
10.Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?
I want to go to college and also visit South Africa, I want to visit their big cat park.
11.Do you have any hidden talents?
I can say the alphabet backwards?
Not going to tag anyone.
I also made some Pug Icons today, enjoy :) Free to use, link back would be appreciated! 
Labels: graphics, life, tags
Hello Jello!
Monday, 17 February 2014
Hello everyone!
I know its been FOREVER since I updated and I am so sorry, I haven't really felt like posting or reading lately. School has started and just seems to be other stuff to do so I just decided to ignore the blog until I felt like I wanted to post.
I want this to be a hobby and not something I have to do! Anyways, I finally got bite by my creative bug and made some stuff. I actually have a new layout, I loved my Katniss layout so I was sad to see it go but its time for a change. This one features some tasty blueberries!
Life has been pretty normal, I been going to school, hanging out with my friends and doing homework! I haven' had a chance to watch any movies lately because everyone is really busy. So I am hoping once its spring break we can go watch some good movies~ I have however started watching this Korean drama my friend introduced to me, its called Emergency Couple! Its SO FUNNY!
LOL Here is the trailer:
Other thing I have done is made some graphics! Woot! I made 8 icons, 1 signature and 1 layout this past 2 days, they are all blueberry/berry themed. I found a collection of cute berry pics so I wanted to make graphics!

That is for today, lots of new stuff~!
Labels: blog, graphics, templates