Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Our counselor are already talking to us about options in high school and the wide variety of classes we can take aside from my our core classes like english, math (ew), science, social studies and etc. I have lots of options so I am going to mainly do art related stuff, drama/music/sports are not my thing.
Sooo, this Friday I am going to be watching the movie 47 Ronin. There is a lot of buzz around this movie, my sister has already bought the tickets so I am super excited to go watch this movie. I saw the trailer and it looked really amazing, especially the witch. =)
Other than that, I been listening to the addicted to you by Shakira, its really good even though its in spanish and I don't understand a word of it. lol I made this banner of Shakira while doodling today:

Labels: blog
Saturday, 4 January 2014

- Are you the daydream or realistic kind of person? I would say a little bit both. I have dreams but they are realistic ones? I mean I don't dream about having super powers but I do have dreams and hopes that I want to achieve.
- Do you like shopping? I hate shopping for cloth, its often a grueling experience of trying on 20 something outfits and buying 1. lol I think everyone is critical of their looks and when you buy cloths, its always like how do I look. lol I don't mind shopping for things like games and other stuff.
- What was 1 regret that you made when you are in college/university? This question does not apply to me as I am in junior high. lol
- How excited are you towards 2014? As much as I was excited for 2013?
- Where do you want to visit in 2014? I would like to go somewhere with a nice sandy beach.
- What phone are you currently using? Samsung galaxy note 2.
- What is your motivation to blog? Boredom and its kind of fun, like an art project.
- What degree are you interested in pursuing? If you already have 1 degree, do you want to take a second degree and what will that be? I have no idea. lol Something fun.
- Are you a Windows or Mac fan? Windows, I may be bias because I never really used Mac stuff, when I did at school, its confusing! I think I grew up with Windows and its the one that I am familiar with.
- What is the thing/person that makes you the happiest person in 2013? I am not sure, probably my grandparents because they are awesome overly spoiling Asian gran grans!
- Eye, lip, cheeks, foundation makeup – what do you like most? Lips, I am sucker for lip gloss, lip balm and anything that will keep my lips moist, especially in winter.
1. What made you decide to create a site/blog?
I think I answered this one before but I saw lots of blogs/graphic sites and I really liked them. I like artsy stuff so I begun learning how to play with photoshop. :)
2. If you could meet a younger version of yourself, what would you say?
Calm down, nothing is ever that bad.
3. What's a goal you have for the new year?
Pretty much my new's resolution in my previous post, eat better, make money, draw and be happy. lol
4. If you could describe 2013 in just one word, what would it be?
5. If you could be any animal in the world, which would you choose?
I would be a house cat, you don't have much to worry about and is cared for by your owners. I can also be a jerk and get away with it.
6. What's your favorite memory from when you were a child?
I think I also answered this one before, when I was a little kid we use to live by a really big hill. In the winter when there was lots of snow, me and my friends use to go sliding down the hill together. We do it for hours, it was lots of fun.
7. Are you still bestfriends with the bestfriend from your childhood?
Depends on where childhood ends I guess. I think you are a teen at 13 so my besties at 12 are still my besties now. A few people I use to hang out with moved but my circle of friends is pretty much the same.
8. If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?
I would be born first instead of my sister.
9. What do you normally blog about?
Graphics and rants.
10. How old were you when you were introduced to web design?
I was 12-13ish, making graphics was pretty easy, html was hard. It helped that there were lots of sites and premade stuff that I can practice and look at it. I am still not that good with it, blogger does a lot of stuff for you which why I use it.
11. If you could pick your name, what would it be instead?
My name is pretty unique, I haven't ever meant other Helianna so I don't know if I change it. I always really liked the name Luna but I am not sure if that suits me. If I had a girl I name her Luna. lol
Woot, that was a loooooong post! I also want to say that Katilyn is hosting a free domain give away, so if anyone wants to join you can do so by clicking here.
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