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1D and Mockingjay ♥

Sunday 23 November 2014

So...there is lots to talk about today. I went to the Mockingjay premiere last Thursday with my friends, it was so worth feeling tried for school on Friday (movie started at 10:15pm, didn't get home till 1 in the morning). :) I loved the movie! It was absolutely amazing though I kind of wished for more Katniss fight scenes, maybe Part 2 will have that. I was so tempted to do a Mockingjay layout but I couldn't find a image I liked so instead I came up with this lavender winter themed layout, I was listening to Ariana's Snow in California and ended up loading it to my site, for once I wanted the layout to match the song. Can't believe its almost December and my birthday! Can't wait! It would also mean Dear December would be 1 years old, how exciting! This blog came a long way, I been thinking I should move out of blogger maybe because I can't store layouts on here. :(

I also bought 1D's new album Four this week from HMV, I am still listening to it but here is my thoughts on it:

1. Steal my girl - This song is the lead single and I do really like it but again, too much radio play kind of makes you sick of it.
2. Ready to Run - Kind of indie, I do like it but its not something I am in love with, reminds me of Story of my Life.
3. Where Broken Hearts Go - A very upbeat song, reminds me of Midnight Memories, Best Song Ever, Kiss you, etc. Its very fun and very boy-bandish, while not all that unique, very 1D.
4. 18 - Its all right, nice beat, good song to jog to.
5. Girl Almighty - A very interesting beat, its like a marching band and its super upbeat and happy-go-lucky, awesome running/jogging song.
6. Fool's Gold - A slow song, not as emotional as Little Things but sounds sweet. Its alright.
7. Night Changes - Similar to Fool's Gold, its not all that unique in my opnion.
8. No Control - Another fun upbeat song, at first I was like "meh" but this song gets stuck in your head very easily and now I love it.
9. Fireproof - I really like this song, is very mellow but still upbeat, I really love the part "Nobody knows you the way I do, Nobody loves you the way I do".
10. Spaces - This is also a good song but its not something I would buy individually.
11. Stockholm Syndrome - This probably my favorite song on this album, I love the title of the song and its so 1D.
12. Clouds - A decent song, I do like it quite a bit, the songs comes off "stronger" and less sweet than the usual 1D songs.

Over all I say about half of the songs on this album I would listen to regularly, its not all that different from their previous album, just slightly different melodies and words. Favorite songs from this album: Where Broken Hearts Go, Girl Almighty, No Control, Fireproof an Stockholm Syndrome. On the fence as to whether I would say you should actually purchase the whole Album, its only $14 with tax so if you love 1D like I do than go for it, if your not a fan, maybe just purchase a few select singles. :)

Welcome Rachael to our affiliate list!
Well that is it, bye for now :)

1989 :)

Friday 7 November 2014

Other new layout!? Yes, that was quick but I made this one during my free time in Art Class today and really wanted to use it! :) I really love this layout, it has a very tumblr quote feel but I think its very pretty! I made a bunch of quotes and being printing them out for "quote" book project. I may have more frequent layout swaps or at least the main image because I have so many pictures! ^____^

Anyways you guys may or may not know that Taylor Swift released her new album about 2 weeks ago. Well just this week I went to HMV and bought it, I been listening to it on repeat and I give it a 9/10! I am not hardcore Swifty but I think this is a really good record. :) Here is just a review of it if you are interested in buying the album or any of the songs.

1. Welcome to New York - I don't really like this song, it doesn't really fit New York, its so preppy and suburban. Not worth an iTunes purchase...
2. Blank Space - This song is pretty good and super catchy, I feel like this song would be awesome to just listen to while you are in the car or jogging. I would buy it on iTunes.
3. Style - Hands down my favorite, sounds like something from the 80s, the chorus is super catchy and I absolutely love the way she sings "you got that long hair, slicked back and white t-shirt"! Definitely worth buying on iTunes, I love it so much its currently what is playing on my blog! :) The song title screams "Harry Styles" to me as well...but who cares.
4. Out of the Woods - Lot of my friends been talking about this song, I like it but its kind of repetitive, its good for jogging though.
5. All you had to do was stay - Meh, its okay.
6. Shake it off - Fun but played on the radio so many times I am sick of it.
7.  I wish you would - Reminds me of her old songs like "White Horse", "Last Kiss" and etc. Not all that special.
8. Bad Blood - Something different, I initially didn't like it but now I really do. If you like Taylor Swift, worth adding to your ipod. :D
9. Wildest Dreams - Again, really similar to her old songs in my opinion, nothing all that special.
10. How to get the girl - This one is sort of good but not amazing, I would get it if you don't have any other songs you want to get.
11. This Love - Meh, its okay.
12.  I know Places - Meh, its okay.
13. Clean - Meh its okay.

So yeah, that was what I thought of it. I prefer Red over 1989 even though her new songs are quite good. I feel like she is singing about more mature stuff than just boys which is a nice change.

I know One Direction is releasing Four  in a little over a week so I am very excited to buy that. I love Fireproof and Steal my Girl so far so I am hoping the rest of the record is worth it too! Well that is it, bye!